11 Ideas to Light Your Path in this Season of Your Life
Life is a remarkable journey with many possibilities and obstacles along the way. The paths we walk from young adulthood to midlife to older adulthood are lined with a blend of wholeness and vulnerability, clarity and confusion, resilience and resignation, meaning and meaninglessness, light and darkness.
Whatever age we are currently, one thing is almost certain – we will change and the world around us will change. Many experiences are common to all of us and other experiences are more unique as we bring our personal selves to the days of our lives. The choices we make can invigorate our life’s purpose as we aspire toward the person we want to become.
As we navigate the seasons of our lives, we typically have little or no control over life’s weather conditions – the outside events we encounter – but we can choose where we direct our attention and the attitudes we bring to our experiences. We can make choices that either bolster or undermine the flow of our days as we face the joys and challenges. We can develop our capacities and skills for seeking resilience, happiness, meaning, and learning (Ben-Shahar, 2007).
To a great degree the quality of your life depends on your perspective. Do you embrace self-discovery, courage, and resilience amid life’s changes and challenges?
Here are 11 ideas to light your path in this season of life:
- Endeavor to learn something new every day.
- Wake up early and watch the sunrise – or pause to watch the sunset.
- Organize the space you live in – if an item no longer serves you, share, donate, sell, or discard it.
- Let go of negative thoughts that impair the quality of your life – even just for the moment
- Volunteer to help an individual, group, or organization (virtually or in person).
- Offer to mentor a teen or young adult who might enjoy your friendship.
- Pause for a moment or more of prayer, contemplation, or mindfulness.
- Consciously choose happiness as you are able to – even during the difficult times. Create moments of meaning, fulfillment, spirituality, joy, and relationship.
- Engage in acts of kindness, compassion, or social activism – even small actions matter.
- Remember you have this moment right now – pause and embrace it.
- Download a Flourish! Bookmark/Refrigerator poster with 12 research-informed hints to improve well-being.
Kind Regards,
- Ben-Shahar, T. (2007). Happier. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- Berns-Zare, I. (2018-Present).
Psychology Today Blog: Flourish and thrive – Navigating transitions with mindfulness and resilience. - Flourish Bookmark from IBZ Coaching – Free Download.
Copyright © 2020 Ilene Berns-Zare, LLC, All Rights Reserved
Ilene is a Featured Author on PsychologyToday!
Read her blog series Flourish and Thrive: Navigating transitions with mindfulness and resilience.

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Ilene Berns-Zare, PsyD, PCC, CMC is an ICF Credentialed Professional Coach and Speaker. Ilene helps people live their best lives by bringing mind, body, and spirit into flow with their strengths, callings and potential. She inspires clients to find fresh perspectives and access their full potential as creative, resourceful, whole persons. Find Ilene online and access free resources at http://ileneberns-zare.com.
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In light and empowerment,
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