Do you or someone you know:
- Have an important goal, but can’t seem to make it a priority?
- Feel ready to move forward, but keep staying stuck?
- Struggle with balancing life and work?

Welcome to the First Newsletter for Ilene Berns-Zare Life & Work Coaching!
A common thread throughout my professional life has been a commitment to empower people through personal development, learning, and well-being. Over the years, my own journey has involved several work-life transformations. A few years ago I found myself once again examining my life and began reflecting on some powerful questions. What’s truly important to me? Are there things I can do to improve my well-being of mind, body, spirit? What is happiness, and is it possible to have more? What are my next steps and how can I get there?
These might seem like a lot of questions, and they are! In fact, that’s one of the things that life coaches do – ask a lot of powerful questions. And coaches encourage clients to answer these questions for themselves because the premise of life coaching is that YOU are the expert on your own life! YOU have your own strengths, inner knowing, and wisdom. YOU know yourself best. I came to realize that coaching is a natural fit with my calling to help people live their lives more fully. This complements my real world experience and training in psychology, teaching, human resource development and most recently, life coaching.
In this newsletter I respond to questions people frequently ask me.
What is life coaching?
Life coaching, a collaborative process through which clients can access their own strengths, possibilities, and choices, offers tools and accountability to help people get on track and take actions to reach their objectives. Together, coach and client co-create a relationship with a focus on helping the client maximize personal and/or professional potential and fulfillment.

How is coaching DIFFERENT than psychotherapy?
Coaching is NOT psychotherapy or counseling. It is an educational and personal/professional development process. Effective coaches help people take information, strengths and skills they already have, define their vision, develop an action plan, and get motivated to achieve their goals and possibilities.
Where does coaching take place?
You can be in any location you want to be for coaching meetings! Most coaches work over the telephone, although some coaching is done face to face. Coaching via the phone is convenient for clients, and because many coaches are trained and skilled in listening deeply and carefully, it works well for most people.

Coaching with Ilene Can Help You Call Yourself to Action
Ilene Berns-Zare, PsyD, PCC, CMC is an ICF Credentialed Professional Coach and Speaker. Ilene helps people live their best lives by bringing mind, body, and spirit into flow with their strengths, callings and potential. She inspires clients to find fresh perspectives and access their full potential as creative, resourceful, whole persons. Find Ilene online and access free resources at
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“Why do I love your blog? It’s written in simple, understandable language that I can grasp as a non-native American. You concentrate all the best in the subject you want your reader to get. If I want, I can go deeper because you add the references at the end. You offer informative ideas and maybe of all of them, there might be a few I can use. I ignore the rest and I have a feeling it’s OK with you. This is not the newsletter I want to delete. Your blog talks to me.”
-Magda G
Discovery Coaching Consultation
During this FREE telephone consultation, we become acquainted, explain what coaching is, and mutually establish if we would be a good fit as a coaching team. We discuss your objectives, your current life circumstances, and obstacles you’ve been facing as you strive to reach your most important life goals. Click here to contact Ilene.
In light and empowerment,
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